Impact Evaluation and Assessment

Governments, donors, and development stakeholders, in general, increasingly demand evaluations to know ‘if’ and ‘how’ processes and systems worked, what ‘value’ a program investment delivered at different levels, how beneficiaries were ‘affected’, and what ‘lessons’ can be learned for future programming.

AACS Consulting’s national and international M&E experts possess decades of combined experience in designing and conducting various impact evaluations. They offer the advanced expertise required for conducting sound and reliable evaluations using appropriate methods and tools for:

Impact Evaluation and Assessment

Formative Evaluation

Summative Evaluation

Thematic Evaluation

Participatory Evaluation

Outcome Evaluation

Impact Evaluation

Evaluations determine whether a program or intervention needs fine-tuning and reorientation (i.e., Formative Evaluation), or it should be continued/discontinued, replicated and/or scaled up (i.e., Summative Evaluation). However, if not conducted objectively and systematically, plenty of resources may be wasted to no avail and the integrity and reliability of evaluations critically questioned.